Product Details



  • Filling Height, Ejection height can be controlled by servo motors for more accuracy and stored in HMI for future reference.
  • Due to the High load caring capacity of the Screw, it can reduce the downtime of the machine.
  • Close loop CNC Controlled Axis for a synchronous moment of all platens for equal density formation with precise component dimensions without compromising the speed of the machine.
  • Powder feeder is a servo feeder for more precise feeding to maintain the accurate weight of component
  • Auto Weight correction features are available which dramatically reduce the rejection ratio of production.
  • Fast Production due to no delays required for hydraulics on or off.
  • Daily, weekly, and monthly production reports can be generated through HMI and can be accessed from different locations through IoT.
  • Remote Monitoring of Machine health for maintenance via the IoT.

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  • Filling Height, Ejection height can be controlled by servo motors for more accuracy and stored in HMI for future reference.
  • Due to the High load caring capacity of the Screw, it can reduce the downtime of the machine.
  • Close loop CNC Controlled Axis for a synchronous moment of all platens for equal density formation with precise component dimensions without compromising the speed of the machine.
  • Powder feeder is a servo feeder for more precise feeding to maintain the accurate weight of component
  • Auto Weight correction features are available which dramatically reduce the rejection ratio of production.
  • Fast Production due to no delays required for hydraulics on or off.
  • Daily, weekly, and monthly production reports can be generated through HMI and can be accessed from different locations through IoT.
  • Remote Monitoring of Machine health for maintenance via the IoT.
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